Jessica, a Houston Runner

Thursday, March 29, 2007

3/28/07: Striders Wednesday Night Fun Run!

It was too nice of a night to pass up a fun-filled Strider Wednesday night run at the Park. We did the same route as last week-Park to Jackson Hill-Around the Loop-and Back for about a total of 5.6 miles. (I am guessing it is this much-anyone care to confirm/deny?) Strider Chip was there as well as Will (who is letting me use his road bike right now). It was a good time of fellowship, racing (Loren and I tied-I think?) and getting eaten by mosquitos. Looking forward to seeing Coach Steeeeeeeeeve next week-he is sorely missed!


5.6 miles total running
Ave 8:45/mile

Heart-rate: 165 ave/196 max
Weather: 70 degrees, humid but breezy

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

3/26/07: Long Run on a Monday Night!

I did my same Park-Polo Grounds run as last week as it gives me a little elevation change, cross-country terrain, and difference in running surfaces (grass to trail to asphalt). Plus, hardly ANYONE runs this route, which makes it probably the most serene part of my week, and a welcome change of quietness.

Anyhow, I ran harder tonight then last week’s long run effort, although I forgot my gu and resorted to chewing on two pieces of sugary gum instead (and I did notice a difference—especially since I was lacking the electrolytes!) I am looking forward to the rest of the week’s workout schedule: Wednesday run with my Strider friends and then Fri bike/run brick, Sat bike and Sunday bike. Hopefully I am racing next weekend (and no Bellaire 5k this weekend due to work schedule conflict :( )


9 miles total running (maybe more)

Ave 10:04/mile

Heart-rate: n/a

Weather: 100% humidity, small showers.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

3/24/07: Short Brick Workout!

My first brick workout of the new year…and a testament of my (lack) overall fitness and shape I am in right now. I am not saying that I am in ‘bad shape,’ but I don’t think I will be ready to do a duathalon anytime soon. I still have a few days to decide so I will just see how my biking goes later this week…

I biked about 10 miles I am guessing, if not more. My stupid bike computer ceased to work again…I am tempted to buy another one, although I don’t plan to spend much money. If anyone has any suggestions for one to try, let me know. I did a sort of interval workout by my house since I was avoiding the Park…1 mile hard and 1/10th of a mile recovery, I think I did about 10 of those. I didn’t keep track, I just went for time.

After a short 5 minute break/stretch/get water, I went for my run. My only goal was to run for 40 minutes, or about 4 miles. This is pretty close to what I will be going for the Do-Da-Du (only it will be 2 mile x-country run, 10 mile bike, 2 mile x-country run in that order). Right away my legs had that ‘jelly/still on a bike’ feel. It took about 10 minutes to get over that…not good! I need to do more bricks, for sure…

9 Miles on Monday and I hope I can get in two bike workouts next week…and maybe two the following week. Will I be ready?!

10 miles cycling
4 miles running

43:53 on bike
40:06 on feet

Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cool and breezy

Thursday, March 22, 2007

3/21/07: 5.6 Miles with the Striders!

Tonight was the Wednesday evening ‘Fun Run’ as I like to call it, where we decide on the route and the pace based upon whomever shows up to run. Usually it’s just two different routes: The polo grounds (4.5 miles) or Jackson Hill (5.6 miles). Since I haven’t ran to Jackson Hill in a long time, I pushed for the group to go there. And off there we went!

The small group of us (Striders Chip, Loren, Carol and a new Strider-Steve I think) and a few others made the grand voyage out. Once we got to the Hill, we decided to run some more, and ran the Hill loop and then called it a night. It was nice other then the fact I stopped for water at every water fountain (3 total). I guess I was a little dehydrated, and I did feel a little sluggish with my breathing (due to allergies, I think).

The weather was a little warm and humid, but the cool breeze came over us, and that was nice. Overall, it was a nice, relaxed run and great to see some friends I haven’t seen since the Houston Marathon! Up next? 3-4 miles on Friday followed immediately by 15 or so miles on the bike (my first brick of the season!)

ave 8:43/mile

5.6 miles total
48:54 total running

Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: warm, 60% humidity, breezy though.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3/19/07: 9 Long Miles at the Park!

As I normally don't like to do long runs during the week, but my schedule has kind of worked it out to where these runs will have to be on Mondays, at least until Marathon season begins again...

anyhow, 9 miles tonight at the Park. as much as I would like to have let my legs take me and run fast...that wasn't the case. I felt slow, sluggish, and maybe even a little tired. I really hope it wasn't due to Saturday's race efforts! (I don't feel any soreness or ill effects from racing at all...) I'll just blame the humid weather!

It was a relatively nice run though, as I ran to the Polo grounds and back and around the Park a little. There weren't many people out tonight so I felt like I kind of owned the Park, and that was a good feeling. Not looking forward to this weekend when the Art Crowd takes all of our parking and I have to stay as far away from the Park as possible! :(

Hope to get in a few miles with the Striders on Wednesday and then some biking on Friday and Saturday. I am contemplating doing 'Do-Da-Du' on April 7 and it's a 10 mile bike...yikes! I have better get going. I can't remember the last time I biked 10! (maybe my last tri!) Anyone else looking to do it? Sounds like it will be fun!

The Stats:
9 miles or so
1:36.33 total running

Ave 10:43/mile (slowwwww!)
57.07 for first 5.5 miles, 9:29, 10:19, 10:04, 9:32.

Weather: humid. breezy, lower 70s
Heartrate: n/a

Monday, March 19, 2007

3/17/07: Lookin’ Good 10k Race Report!

I really felt good about the effort I put into this race. I ran confidently throughout, and hardly felt tired or ‘slow.’ And I was able to finish in my sub-9:00 goal per mile that I set for myself! What a great feeling!

The race field itself was on the low side-think Bellaire Trolley numbers. I think there were maybe 300 runners in both the 5k and 10k. The 10k course was just two loops of the 5k. At first, I really wasn’t looking forward to the two loops, but as I ran the first loop, I memorized where the mile markers were for the second loop. This really helped me on the second loop and gave me confidence to pass people as part of my running ‘game plan.’

I ran really strong throughout and there were about 4-5 separate times in the race where I felt like my ‘old self’ again, and my running felt fast, effortless, and strong. It was such a good feeling. I think as I continue to get back in pre-marathon shape, this feeling is likely to come back more. Plus, not being injured is a really really good feeling.

Post-race, I enjoyed a green beer (nothing says hard-core St. Patty’s partying like green beer at 8:30 in the morning!) and hung out with the Strider clan of Pony and John Yoder, Peter Prescott, Andrew and I think I saw Fred Miller too. We all enjoyed the wonderful early Saturday morning and another great day of racing in Houston!

The Stats:
6.2 miles

53:55 watch time (no chip timing)
Ave 8:40/mile :)

8:44, 8:51, 8:41,
8:51, 8:35, 8:26, 1:43

Weather: mid 60’s. low humidity.
Heartrate: 180 ave. 212 max.

Friday, March 16, 2007

3/15/07: 3 Miles of SPEEDWORK at Memorial Park!

Yup. You are reading correctly. I am actually updating my blog in a timely basis (or at least attempting to!) I am also back to doing speedwork! Two bits of good news in one day-does it get better then this?!

Anyhow, I had a wonderful run at the Park yesterday...a 1/2 mile warmup, 3 miles at 5k speed (well, as close to it as I am going to come right now) and a 1/2 mile cooldown. It was so fun to run-run-run as fast as I could go. And not hurt, other then maybe my poor lungs that are out of shape still. It was a major plus though that my body is feeling great, pre-marathon great I would say.

On the downside, it was hot. (80 degrees doesn't make for good speedworkout weather). But I felt like a million dollars after my workout. Then I got home and promptly passed out. :)

I think I will be in good shape for this weekend's Lookin' Good 10k. Although the course is a double 3.1 loop, it is extremely flat and a 7:30am start time should be another plus. It probably won't be a PR, but if I can go Sub 9:00, I won't complain!

One other thing, I just found out via Jon's blog that I was the 4th overall open women to complete the HARRA Fall Series this past season. Bragging rights? Nah...but something to be very proud of! I hope to do it again next year (and maybe...someday break into that top 3!)

Happy running all!

The Stats:

3 miles speedwork
1 mile warmup/cooldown

26:41 for 3 miles
ave 8:53/mile

8:56, 8:59, 8:45

Weather: 80 degrees (warm!!!)
Heartrate: 185 ave. 199 max

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

3/12/07: Memorial Park Long 8 Mile Run!

After pedaling about 10 miles (I'm guessing-more on that in a second) yesterday here at the Park, I figured now I would get in a nice 8 mile run too. I wasn't too sore from the bike so I figured I needed my run! (actually, my lower back was a little tight, but that was it). My only goal for this run was to enjoy it and run relaxed, yet not SLOW.

I think I was a little 'slower' then I would have liked, but it doesn't matter really because I thought my form was good and I didn't feel any aches or pains, even towards the end of the run. I did need to drink more water though. Overall, I am pleased with my efforts.

The bike ride (Sunday) went well also. Although it was just a 'casual thing' with Ash, I figure we got in about 10 miles. (My bike computer wasn't working...although it started working right before I finished riding!) I got up to about 18.5/mph without trying, which was pretty much the top speed I could get on the old hybrid bike. Good deal! I hope to start riding much more and try to do a DUA next month...I'll keep you updated...

8 miles total

1:17.29 total running
ave 9:41/mile

9:24, 9:53, 9:30, 9:33,
9:36, 9:32, 9:39, 9:57

Weather: close to 100% humidity, mid 60's
Heartrate: n/a

Sunday, March 11, 2007

3/10/07: A Short 3 Mile Recovery Run!

It was early in the morning and before I went to go teach, I fit in a short 3 minute run. It sure was humid and warm, with a small threat of rain with all the dark clouds looming in the sky.

In other workout-related news, I finally have a road bike on loan from my kind friend, Will of the Houston Racing Club. I plan to take it for a spin in a few days...and I'll update on my venture into the world of road bikes!

3 miles total
About 30 minutes

Weather: humid, upper 60's.
Heartrate: n/a

Monday, March 05, 2007

3/4/07: My 5 Mile Long Run for the Week!

Since I didn't have the luxury of time on my hands, I squeezed in a 'quick' 5 miles at the park. But guess what, I forgot my watch! And you know what? It was the most relaxing run ever.

Since I didn't want to do the hamster loop (haha) I ran along the granite path starting at Mile 0, towards the West Loop, and onwards to the Polo grounds! It was so very devine. Running to my most sacred running spot, on the weekend--noless, with absolutely no running companions or company to distract me along the way, absoluelty beautiful weather and no watch to be a nusiance.

This run should go down in running history:)

I love this time of year....

5 miles total
About 50 minutes???

Weather: breezy. mid 60's.
Heartrate: n/a