Jessica, a Houston Runner

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3/19/07: 9 Long Miles at the Park!

As I normally don't like to do long runs during the week, but my schedule has kind of worked it out to where these runs will have to be on Mondays, at least until Marathon season begins again...

anyhow, 9 miles tonight at the Park. as much as I would like to have let my legs take me and run fast...that wasn't the case. I felt slow, sluggish, and maybe even a little tired. I really hope it wasn't due to Saturday's race efforts! (I don't feel any soreness or ill effects from racing at all...) I'll just blame the humid weather!

It was a relatively nice run though, as I ran to the Polo grounds and back and around the Park a little. There weren't many people out tonight so I felt like I kind of owned the Park, and that was a good feeling. Not looking forward to this weekend when the Art Crowd takes all of our parking and I have to stay as far away from the Park as possible! :(

Hope to get in a few miles with the Striders on Wednesday and then some biking on Friday and Saturday. I am contemplating doing 'Do-Da-Du' on April 7 and it's a 10 mile bike...yikes! I have better get going. I can't remember the last time I biked 10! (maybe my last tri!) Anyone else looking to do it? Sounds like it will be fun!

The Stats:
9 miles or so
1:36.33 total running

Ave 10:43/mile (slowwwww!)
57.07 for first 5.5 miles, 9:29, 10:19, 10:04, 9:32.

Weather: humid. breezy, lower 70s
Heartrate: n/a


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