Jessica, a Houston Runner

Monday, January 28, 2008

Week of 1/21-1/27 Workouts!

1/21/08 3 Mile Recovery Run-first since mari!
total running: 30 minutes
Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: a/c
Notes: The weather is soo dreadful this week so I don't plan to be running outside much (plus, being sick doesn't help!) 3 miles on the treadmill tonight was boring, but actually felt really good.
My IT band (right) is still tight but I am making a concious effort to work on it every day this week. I also did 10 mins. of upper body free-weights as a cooldown after the run.

1/22/08: 3 Slow Miles in the Neighborhood!
total running: 30 minutes
Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cold and wet.
Notes: The cold weather always messes with my right knee and IT band so I ran easy tonight. Followed up the run with 10 minutes of ABs workout as a cool-down.

1/24/08: 6 Miles-My long run for the week!
total running: 56:07
ave: 9:21/mile
Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cold!! maybe 40 degrees!
Notes: I didn't want to run on this cold night but after about 20 minutes, I warmed up pretty good and enjoyed the stillness of the cold. After about 40 minutes, I wanted to run another hour or so:)

1/26/08: My first brick workout this year! (AKA, multi-athlete whoas!)
total cycling: 58:03
ave 15.6/mile
total running: 27:53
ave: 9:17/mile
Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cool. 53 degrees at 1pm!
Notes: My first brick workout of the year:) I was so excited to finally get on my new bike:) I certainly didn't break any speed-records, but considering I haven't rode a bike (in a training sense) since September, I am pretty happy to average mid 15's. I do need to put my old saddle on the bike though...ouch to my new one! The run was slow and almost painful. It's gonna be a few weeks/months of 'getting back to it.' On the 'top end' I was going about 19 mph. Yeah!

This is a more 'breaks' from the bike during marathon season. I am buying a bike trainer pronto:)

Oh....and just wait. Swimming is coming up in another month or so...I am so scared I am gonna drown! That's another demon though, lol....


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