Jessica, a Houston Runner

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Week of 10/29-11/4 Workouts!

10/30/07: 6.5 Miles @ Terry Hershey
total running: 1:11
Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cool and not overally humid
Notes: After Sunday's efforts, although not overally sore, I certainly didn't feel like doing any type of speedworkout. So, I ran 4 miles with Striders John DiMarco and Patti Sears (who is in town for a few months coaching at Kinkaid). After that, I still wanted to run more so I met up with the rest of the SMARTies and did a mile of Kenyan Relays (my favorites!) and then a 1.5 mile cool down. I give myself an 'A+' for pushing myself to run 6.5 miles on a day I didn't really want to run at all.

11/4/07: 14 Miles (okay, 13.5) Sealy Dealy-aka-Tough but Doable!
2:07 total running
Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: 65 degrees at start. 75 degrees at finish.
Notes: I admit I am not happy with the lack of running this week (can I blame halloween--a little?!) Anyhow, I will give myself credit for doing yoga yesterday! :) So I got up at 5am to make it and meet up with the Striders at TH at 6am (almost didn't make it...thank goodness for that ''2 minute leeway" rule the Coach has). I initally was very excited about running 13.5 miles in the middle of nowhere...and 'rolling' hills on top of that. After I saw the hills, my excitement quickly left. However, this workout was absolutely fantastic for me. It was completely tough-but doable. I pushed through a sore lower back for the first 5 miles and then even harder on the hills during the last 4 miles. I only walked three times (under a minute each time) and never stopped for water (brought my own). This will be my 2007 'benchmark' workout in which all other workouts are based on. I will never forget how it felt to have to push so hard through so much dumb crap and still finish with a smile on my face! (And breakfast at Tony's afterwards was the icing on the morning!) Thanks to Coach Steeeve and Barb for the ride, Allison for encouarging me and I can't wait for our next trip out here!!!


  • Sealy is my favorite place to run! You looked strong out there! Definitely a great benchmark workout!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Nov 06, 08:50:00 AM  

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