Jessica, a Houston Runner

Sunday, July 09, 2006

7/8/06: 12 Mile Bike-woohoo!

I was missing the bike quite a bit since I could ride last weekend due to all the rain. This would be the first time I got to ride the hybrid with the slicks and toe clips. I had to sell the road bike ($25!) because it was going to need more work then I wanted to put into it. Besides, i can always buy a used one if I decided biking is for me.

Anyhow, made it out to the Park and did the Picnic Loop a few times. It did get boring after a while, but it gave me the confidence I needed on the bike and I was able to time myself per loop. I average about 15 mph, and my top speed right now is 17 mph, and my slow speed is 13 mph. I did get passed by every road biker out there, only making me believe that a road bike is definetely the way to go. That, and some aerobars. My back is sure sore now, lol. Luckily, my groin isn't though.


12 mile bike ride
10 miles in 41.13

Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: mid 80’s, overcast.


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