Jessica, a Houston Runner

Monday, June 05, 2006

6/4/06: 6 Early A.M. Miles on a Sunday!

Since I simply haven't had the time to run much (working an 8-8 schedule the past week at the new school), and i needed to get in the miles before tonight's Nine Inch Nails concert, i did the unthinkable and woke up early (well, 8:30am!) and got some miles in near the house.

I had meant to be out the door an hour earlier, and as you can imagine, by 8:30am, it's already getting pretty hot. I ran out in the Briargrove neighorhood today (basically, the housing subdivision next to where I live) and stayed as close to the shade as possible. No point in having visions of Beach to Bay replay again in my head...

The first three miles were great and I saw another runner making the rounds through the quiet neighborhood. It's always a good feeling when you see other runners out there doing their thing...almost inspiring. And did I mention morning people are very friendly and actually wave and say hello?! Wow...I miss this.

Overall, a good run. The last 3 miles were hot and I went into survival mode. Luckily, i brought a bottle of water with me so i was okay. Had i been out another 30 minutes, I don't know how fruitful my run home would have been. I most certainly would have walked at some point. Ugh. Looking forward to 9 miles tomorrow night back at the Park and then my 10k this upcoming weekend...bring on the mileage!


about 6 miles
55 minutes total running

Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cool, mid 70's at start. about 80's at finish.


  • Yeah I enjoy morning runs as well! It's just the 5:00 a.m. alarm clock that I hate.

    By Blogger Steve Bezner, at Mon Jun 05, 09:13:00 AM  

  • Ah..morning running. Something I will be embracing and making a part of my life this week.

    Sounds like a good run, and a couple of good cheers to you for a great 10k.


    By Blogger Sam, at Mon Jun 05, 06:32:00 PM  

  • I love running in the's the alarm clock I hate. Hope you had a great time at of my all-time favorite bands. Best of luck on your upcoming 10K!

    By Blogger TX Runner Mom, at Tue Jun 06, 12:04:00 PM  

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