Jessica, a Houston Runner

Saturday, April 08, 2006

4/7/06: 3 Slow Miles and I am Ready to Race!

I wasen't sure how my ankle was going to hold up for the race tomorrow so I ran a slow 3 around my neighorhood...I was suprised by how taking a few days off made my body feel so full of energy and ready to run...but I held back and listened to what my body was telling me and kept it to a 'jog.'

I still felt a little tenderness in the ankle, but nothing NOT manageable, it will just have to be 'touch and go' tomorrow, take some anti-inflams, get plenty of sleep, a nice warm shower...and I will be ready to run the best I can tomorrow as I attempt to get that lucrative 5k PR...yeah!


about 3 miles
30 minutes total running

Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: warm, kinda humid, but it was 10pm at night!


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