Jessica, a Houston Runner

Thursday, April 27, 2006

4/26/06: PIM Running About-Indian Lines!

After yesterday’s tough tough trail run, and another twisted ankle, I am taking it easy today. Trail running def. makes me sore in ways that road running does not, I don’t know quite how to explain it. Dirtrunner, do you know what I mean? Anyhow, I ran a more ‘lesiurely’ pace in my Indian line. I pushed myself, but enough that I was in pain. That left leg just wouldn’t losen up! Oh well. A nice 3 mile run…it was probably a little further then that, but I don’t really care.

about 3 miles
about 30 mins total running

Heart-rate: 167 ave, 223 max.
Weather: cool, mid 60’s. low humidity.


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