Jessica, a Houston Runner

Monday, March 27, 2006

3/26/06: 12 Miles with Fellow HRB’er Edwin!

With tonight being the monthly meeting of the HRB Club, I decided to get in 12 miles before the meeting with super-speedy Edwin. Not only is Edwin a top-notch local Master’s runner, he is also a fellow journalist, teacher and humble and overall sweet guy. :) We had a great time chatting and sweating and making the rounds around the Park. Although we only got 9 miles in before the meeting (my fault), we finished our run after splitting a basket of Beck’s Prime fries (and I ate about 2 ounces of salt!)

The meeting went great, as well, and I finally got to meet Jan, James David and his wife and a few other new faces, as well as hear the details about Erica’s planning to do the Rock and Roll Nashville Marathon. Go girl-5 weeks to go! :) Overall, a great night and good running weather. Hope to see more faces out next time, and congrats to all on all the great racing that has been going on lately:)

12 miles

1:45 total running
ave. 8:45/mile

mile1: 8:38
mile2: 8:59
mile3: 8:31
mile4: 8:34
mile5: 8:42
mile6: 9:14 (long)
mile7: 7:50 (short)
mile8: 8:52
mile9: 9:01
last 5k: 26:35

Heart-rate: n/a
Weather: cool, mid 60’s. windy.


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