Jessica, a Houston Runner

Monday, February 06, 2006

2/5/06: Super Late and Lonely Run at Memorial Park.

No, I didn’t watch the big game (yes, I almost called it dumb). Don’t get me wrong, I love football but I just wasn’t into an excuse to eat junk food, watching potentially-lame commercials and sitting on my duff for 6 million hours. In other words, I went running:). There was NOOOObody at the Park. Noone. I guess everyone was watching TV, oh well.

I really needed the alone time anyhow and I think there were 10 people at the entire park. It was sooo nice. Granted, maybe not safe. But, it was quiet. I had a great pace going and my legs felt fresh and entergetic. Not to mention the weather was killer nice and I just really enjoyed the hour of solitude. All in all, a run that felt like therapy and totally made my weekend complete.

I also got to think about actually RUNNING, something I hardly do when I run (sounds funny, I know). I am wondering what I truly will be able to accomplish with my running this year. My body is already feeling so much stronger and faster then I ever felt last year. Even in the weeks leading up the half-marathon, I didn’t feel this ‘good.’ Yeah, I am worried about my dumb right leg, and my form slightly, but at the same time-I feel like I am in such good shape. I have been eating well and hydrating great. I have also been sleeping like a champ and lifting weights/doing CORE at least 3 times a week. Woohoo for a great start to the year.

I mean, I am already averaging UNDER a 9:30/mile for my long runs. Can it be possible for me to run the Marathon next year in under 4:10? I know it seems so long away, but at the same time, as long as I stay injury-free and continue to train smartly, it’s very possible, right? After all, I never thought I could run the half in under 2:15! Other ‘what ifs’ include finishing sub 55:00 for a 10k and sub 25:00 for a 5k. Those are two events I will be avenging very shortly in March/April. I wonder if I have the time to be ready to run that fast by then…once my ankle is feeling 100% I will certainly be hitting the track workouts again (yes, I miss them already). I also miss seeing you guys, my friends. Soon, I hope...

7 miles

1:04:34 total running
av 9:13/mile

Mile1: 9:38
Mile2: 9:03
Mile3: 8:52
Mile4: 8:57
Mile5: 9:24
Mile6: 9:16
Mile7: 9:22

Heart-rate: 169 ave/178 max (sweet!)
Weather: pretty windy, mid 60’s.


  • In the proverbial words of our own "Professional Man of Action" (PMOA for short), YOU ROCK and ROCK ON!

    By Blogger Woodlands Runner, at Mon Feb 06, 12:38:00 PM  

  • i should have waited till after noon. i went at about 10ish and you couldnt hardly run for all the people. most of which WERE NOT running! argh!!

    By Blogger Junie B, at Mon Feb 06, 03:02:00 PM  

  • That run sounds nice! I'll have to make a mental note for next year: run on Superbowl Sunday!

    By Blogger Ann (bunnygirl), at Mon Feb 06, 06:05:00 PM  

  • Jessica,
    Sounds like a great run. Now I feel like a wuss for staying in and watching the game. :P
    Two things that I've learned really help you work on form and rhythm:
    1.slow, easy long-runs (even if you feel like going faster)
    In the words of Forrest Gump, "And that's all I have to say about that."

    By Blogger Sam, at Tue Feb 07, 12:50:00 PM  

  • Hey there! Sounds like you are still running strong! I have had to take a short "break" for a bit while a strained muscle in my lower back heals. Hopefully I will be back to running soon. For now I will continue Yoga at LA Fitness and hopefully add in swimming and kick boxing in the next month! ttfn

    By Blogger Michelle, at Tue Feb 07, 04:39:00 PM  

  • Yay!

    By Blogger jen, at Wed Feb 08, 03:50:00 PM  

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