Jessica, a Houston Runner

Thursday, September 08, 2005

9/7/05: First run of the week, and it’s on the threadmill…

After coming off a rather lethal weekend to my ‘good running streak,’ now I feel like I have taken a step back and am going to have either a really energetic training week, or a really tough week full of pitfalls and letdowns. I guess I only have myself to blame or congratulate in either situation, so all I can really do now is maintain a positive outlook, work super hard and see where the cards fall…

The training run last night, which was suppose to be my long run for the week, only ended up being 4 miles because it was pretty late (9:30pm I think) and I tend to get burned-out on the treadmill after 5 miles or roughly an hour. My legs felt really strong though and I was able to run really relaxed again. Treadmill runs like this make me happy. I just hope to limit them to one night a week. The weather is indeed getting cooler, and just in time for October which is when the Marathon warm-up series really takes off. I can’t wait. I feel like I run so much stronger in the cooler weather.

Oh course what I really worry about right about this time of year is my eating habits changing (as they always do from summer to fall/winter) and with that will (hopefully not) bring weight gain. I have been doing so good lately. I’ve lost another 5 pounds since I last weighed myself (about a month ago) which puts me at 135 for a total of 13 pounds lost since March. I can’t believe it! If I keep up all my running and good eating, I can reach my goal of 130 by January! I’m not going to obsess over it, but I am certainly eager to celebrate the good news and go shopping for better fitting, smaller clothes!

4 miles

40:54 total
Mile1: 10:25
Mile2: 10:20
Mile3: 10:09
Mile4: 10:00

Heart-rate: didn’t wear strap (or bring watch, shame on me!)
Weather: a/c coolness.


  • hey- don't know if you regularly run in memorial but if you ever want company (for the first couple miles anyway) let me know!

    By Blogger Tiggs, at Fri Sep 09, 12:20:00 PM  

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